Merry Christmas and hello again from Big Green, the ever so lovely evergreen two-story home that houses the Sall Family in Loveland, Colorado! As we close out another year, Brett and Brittany have asked me to once again, write the family Christmas letter from my perspective and as their home, my four walls got a front-row view to the latest happenings and hopes of the Sall’s in 2021.
Whew! This year has been full of many amazing blessings and hardships. In last year’s letter, I was able to share the incredible news of the new baby that was on the way for Brett and Brittany. However, in the midst of the most magical time of the year with twinkly lights and Christmas cheer hung throughout my halls, Brett, Brittany and Phoebe received the painful news on Christmas Eve that they were going to lose the precious life growing inside Brittany. At 12 weeks and 2 days along, on December 28th, 2020, their sweet little one, which they lovingly named Emma Grace, went to live in Heaven. While losing the baby, Brittany was also losing too much blood. An ambulance came rushing to my driveway, a visitor that was so needed and I hope to never have again. After some time in the ER, Brittany’s condition improved and she has never been so happy to come home. Throughout this loss, Brett and Brittany so strongly felt the presence of God walking and carrying them through. The early months of 2021 were incredibly difficult as Brett, Brittany and Phoebe navigated Brittany’s physical recovery and the pain and grief of losing Emma. Weaved into the sorrow are also threads of gratefulness for her precious life, which has value and purpose and the hope of their beautiful reunion with her in Heaven. Even though their deepest desire was to hold her now, that gift and opportunity are still awaiting them.
There can be much beauty to find amid loss and sorrow and Brett, Brittany and Phoebe were so well-loved and supported during this hardship. The Salls sweet family came and did all sorts of amazing things to help. From cleaning my floors and counters to playing with Phoebe, making meals and also just sitting and being with Brett and Brittany as they rolled on waves of grief. Friends prayed, sent thoughtful messages, delivered meals, flowers and cards to my doorstep. Brett and Brittany were confident before this that they had the best family and friends in their lives and it was incredible to watch those blessings come to light. Amid this challenging season, those relationships were forged with even more strength and bond. As I recount these events even now, almost a year later, tears and well-used tissues dot my hardwood floors. The feelings of sorrow and gratitude are still very raw and real. The Sall Family wants me to express their deeply held thankfulness for the grace and peace that abounds in Jesus Christ and their family and friends who abundantly blessed them.
There is a light that shines so bright throughout my walls no matter the season of life or the time of day and it is the 2.5-year-old now toddler and delight of Brett and Brittany’s life, Phoebe. This little lady has grown up so much in just a year. Her favorite things include the color purple, playing any sport with a ball (baseball, pickleball, golf, volleyball), loving on her dolls and her family. She is the most tender-hearted, loving little girl who generously gives the best hugs and kisses!
I have never been so happy to have so much clutter and toys scattered throughout my rooms, the signs of life of this radiant little girl. Some of the highlights for the year for Phoebe include her “TuTu Cute” second birthday party, church and worship on Sundays, her Mia and Papa days, music class, playing with her cousins, visits from Grandma and Grandpa from Nebraska, hiking and spending time in the mountains with her mom and dad, dance parties and going to Rockies games. The Salls were also blessed to have their dear friend Lee live with them over the summer while she recovered from a broken leg. This was a special time for Phoebe as she got to have one of her best buddies available almost all the time to play! Last summer was the summer of “walking” and this summer was the summer of “talking.” At this point, Phoebe now talks in sentences, tells stories and asks questions like… “How did you sleep mom?” “How was the gym dad?” She has an elephant’s memory and can tell you all her family and friends’ favorite colors, lol. It is an essential piece of information she likes to know about everyone she meets. It is incredible to see her sparkling personality in full force and watch her remarkable growth and development.
Phoebe’s new favorite thing is Christmas and the Nativity. Every day she cycles through pretending to be “Mommy Mary” while Brett is “Daddy ‘Jofeph’ (Joseph)” and her doll is “Baby Jesus.” Sometimes Phoebe is the angel, Brittany is “Mommy Mary” and sometimes Phoebe also pretends to be “Baby Jesus.” Seeing life and especially Christmas through her eyes is one of the best gifts. If it is possible for a house to smile, I grin from shutter to shutter when I think of all the life and joy little Phoebe has brought to this home.
Speaking of homes, Brett and Brittany were blessed with another year of helping families with all of their real estate endeavors. The market is still strong and this was the team’s best year yet. Some notable changes took place with that growth, including adding their incredible assistant Stacie to the team and updating their business motto to “Homes and The People in Them.” I get a “window” into the many aspects of their business and the reason for the updated motto is to better reflect the heart of The Sall Team. As a home, I can tell you that we are so much more than a financial investment tool and Brett and Brittany see that every day in their business. Some clients are experiencing profound joy in their need to purchase or sell, exciting situations like the growth of their family, a new job opportunity, a dream fulfilled to live in a bigger home or home on land. Brett and Brittany also walk through painful situations with their clients. From financial or medical emergencies, divorce, death of a loved one… the role they have in helping families through the seasons of life is one that they take with a great deal of honor and love, recognizing that it really is about “Homes and The People In Them.”
I try not to be green with envy... maybe it is just because I am literally painted green but the other home that the Sall’s own, Lil’ Blue, is still obnoxiously adorable as ever. All the time, B and B comment on how much they love that little house and how cute it is; other people think so too because it is consistently booked on Airbnb with rave reviews. Phoebe has even joined in on the craze; she loves to go to Lil’ Blue and do yard work and handyman projects. Ugh, I don’t like all the attention Lil’ Blue gets, but I have to admit that I have even perused and have found myself using the word “cute” to describe it.
As if Lil’ Blue isn’t enough to compete with, the Salls fulfilled a dream this year with the purchase of a travel trailer, an adventure home on wheels! Phoebe named it “Camper Camper” which they call “CC” for short. With all the supply chain issues, it took six months to arrive, but Brett and Brittany are already excited about the many places they will take the family in 2022 and the memories created. Maybe I should consider it a blessing; I can get some much-needed house “me” time while they are gone. Ya know... kick up my sub-floors, wind down with a glass of wine, binge watch an HGTV show (a home’s version of guilty pleasure reality TV), maybe take a bubble bath, have a few moments of peace before that go-go family comes home. :)
I must take a moment to share an update on Uncle Gary, B and B’s beloved beagle. This year, the Salls made the difficult decision to surrender UG. Uncle Gary struggled with food aggression since he was a pup and with Phoebe now being a toddler and carrying around food and snacks, the situation became impossible to manage and Phoebe’s safety trumps all. Uncle Gary was a fantastic friend and B and B tried to give him the best 10 years with their family that they could.
There are peaks and valleys and I am not just talking about my roof lines; I mean in life. To come full circle, 2021 began with a season of sorrow, but as Psalms 27:14 reminds us… “Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord.” The Salls are OVERJOYED to share the news of the little baby girl growing in Brittany’s womb. If you have seen B and B in person, you likely know of this amazing news... it is especially obvious that Brittany’s got a bun in the oven and I’m not just talking about the bread rolls baking in my oven. This precious miracle will be 30 weeks along at Christmas 2021, with a due date of March 2022! It is absolutely amazing that after six years of infertility before Phoebe, in the last 3.5 years, Brett and Brittany have been pregnant 3 times… Phoebe carried to full term, sweet Emma Grace preciously carried to 12 weeks and now this new life that has already grown into the 3rd trimester. Brett and Brittany give all the glory to God as they never pursued any modern medical routes for these results. These precious blessings have come by the grace of God and have been supported by a talented team comprised of their functional medicine doctor, midwife and chiropractor. B and B realize many couples are still waiting for their miracle babies or are reeling from the loss of a baby or miscarriage… those couples are near and dear to their hearts. I don’t always understand the ways of God when it comes to life and loss, but I do recognize when there are moments to rejoice and this is definitely a season of rejoicing for the Salls.
A home is so much more than studs, drywall and paint. Many families experience their best and most challenging moments of life in their homes. As the Sall’s home, I witnessed the birth of Phoebe on the very couch in my living room; I watched Brett and Brittany dance a happy dance with the news of a new baby. I saw them lose little Emma in this home and with great hope and excitement, I watch again as Brett and Brittany prepare for the birth of their next daughter to be born here at home. The Salls experienced such sorrow and joy in 2021 and have a more well-rounded awareness of the beauty and heartache that many family and friends experience. If this Christmas season is one where you find yourself in the valley, we pray that God will fill you with His abiding peace and for your heart to be stout and enduring, as it is often darkest just before the dawn.
I know I am never at a loss for words, so thank you for taking the time to peer into this home’s happenings in 2021! May 2022 be a year of God’s abundance over you and your family!
Photos from 2021
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