Wow, wow, WOW!
We are BEYOND humbled by the amazing turnout we had for our Fifth Annual Pie & Hi Appreciation Party!
God has blessed us with amazing people like you who have supported our business and our family in so many ways beyond just using us for their real estate needs! THANK YOU! We look forward to seeing each of you each and every year for Pie & Hi because, despite some of our best efforts, we don’t always get the chance to connect as much as we would like to. We know it is a busy time of year and we so appreciate the efforts you made to come say hi!
We also want to give a big thank you to our wonderful caterer, Mo, for this year’s delicious food and drinks. I mean… can you even believe the beautiful spread of food??? You can support her by visiting NOCO Distillery in Fort Collins.
A big thank you to Kompass Apparel in Loveland for designing our new t-shirts! If you didn’t get one at the party, let us know and we can arrange to get you one!
We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with those you love most!
With grateful hearts,
Brett, Brittany, Phoebe & Ruthie
P.S. Be on the lookout for our annual Christmas card and letter which will hit your mailboxes soon!
Prize Winners
We had multiple opportunities to win prizes again this year. A big congratulations to the winners below…
Prize: Two FREE Nights at Lil' Blue
The question was: What is the lowest-priced listing that The Sall Team has ever SHOWN and what happened to Brittany’s arm during that showing?
The correct answer: $50,000! …WOW have prices changed! The year was 2011 and the listing was in Greeley. See below for some hilarious answers we received in response to “what happened to Brittany’s arm during that showing?”
She saw a quarter in the air vent and got stuck trying to get it.
Broke her arm falling downstairs
She got a tattoo
Slammed in a door
She sprained it.
Broke it?
She broke it tripping over a rug
Walked by nail in garage and got cut
Crash and burn lol
She got paint on it
It was slammed in a door
Broke out in hives due to an allergic reaction
Caught in cabinet/sprained
Got stuck in a window?
The correct answer: Brittany broke out in a rash from brushing against some poison oak while trying to get into the garage.
AND THE WINNER IS… Jordan Conner!
Jordan guessed $50,000 EXACTLY!
JT Metcalf was the closest guess to the second part of the question, which was just for fun: Broke out in hives due to an allergic reaction.
Prize: C3 Cooler or SONOS Speaker
The question was: What did the example house sell for?
The correct answer: $1,250,000.00
AND THE WINNER IS… Robert Anderson!
We had TWO people guess the exact sold price: Robert Anderson and Skip Lightsey + a few others who were VERY close! Since we had a tie, we put the two names in a jar and let Phoebe pull out the name.
Prize: Gift Basket from NOCO Distillery
Random Raffle Drawing
AND THE WINNER IS… Chuck & Pat Robinett!
Photos from the Party
Happy Thanksgiving & Merry Christmas!
♡ The Sall Family